This post is to assure you all that we did not deprive ourselves of the most essential parts of the Irish cultural experience.

While this doesn't exactly scream "Irish!" it does fall under the category of "Foodstuffs that Contribute to Gluttony and/or Debauchery." We paid our respects to a fancy chocolate shop in Dublin that serves the most amazing desserts. For the most part we cooked our own meals in the hostel or grabbed sandwiches on the street, so we ended up paying the same amount for three meals a day as we would have for one if we had eaten out. So what did we do? Save it? No, no, no. We congratulated ourselves on our thrift by spending our money on a decadent afternoon of chocolate. I still consider it a good investment.

Funny name. Funny pub. I love pubs. We need to get more of them in the States.

Me getting my Captain on with a scoop of rum ice cream. Hey, it's five o'clock somewhere.

Temple Bar District!! This area, lined with a delightful combination of bars and bookstores, is probably the most famous area in Dublin. This is the Quay Bar (obviously), but Temple Bar is nearby.

Here's a photo of Temple Bar that I stole off of the internet. It is here that many famous Irish writers would spend their evenings. It's also where Handel's
Messiah was first performed, on April 13, 1742. The Society of the United Irishmen was formed here as well--the group that started the Irish Revolution, freeing Ireland from British rule.
We spent most of our nights here in Temple Bar District, hopping from pub to pub and listening to local musicians. It was fabulous--probably my favorite hours spent in Ireland.

Oh, yes. Here we are. The place that no trip to Dublin would be complete without visiting: the Guinness Factory.

Inside the Guinness Factory (at least, the tourist section).

An old mill for grinding beer grain.

A giant copper grain barrel.

Here, we have me pouring
my own pint. And from here on out, I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

I want to eat that chocolate!